Spilianakis Lab

Agency:    European Union

Program:  H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014, Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

Title:        Chromatin3D: Chromatin Dynamics in Development & Disease

Budget:    €3.782.583 (total), €736.774 (SpilianakisLab), IMBB (€1.221.548)

Duration: 2015-2018

Role:        Coordinator



Program:  Research Grant in Biomedical Sciences

Title:        MAGNET: The regulatory networks of the lncRNAs SeT and AseT in

                macrophage immune responses. (renewal)

Budget:    €20.000

Duration: 2015

Role:        Principal Investigator


Program:  Research Grant in Biomedical Sciences

Title:        MAGNET: The regulatory networks of the lncRNAs SeT and AseT in

                macrophage immune responses.

Budget:    €20.000

Duration: 2014

Role:        Principal Investigator

Agency:    General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece-European Union

Program:  Excellence Grant (ARISTEIA I)

Title:        MIRACLE

Budget:    €300.000

Duration: 2012-2015

Role:        Principal Investigator

Agency:    Greek Ministry of Education-European Union

Program:  THALIS-I

Title:        “miREG: MicroRNAs and Transcription Factor Networks in the regulation of

                 cell differentiation, aging and tumorigenesis”

Budget:    Total: €600.000, Research Team 2: €151.000

Duration: 2012-2015

Role:        Partner (Research Team 2 Coordinator)

Agency:    Special account for Research (University of Crete)

Program:  B-Laboratory consumables

Title:        Nuclear organization and epigenetic regulation of gene loci involved in the

                differentiation process of CD4 T cells

Budget:    €10.000

Duration: 2012-2014

Role:        Principal Investigator

Agency:    Special account for Research (University of Crete)

Program:  Travel Grant

Title:        Monoallelic expression of the IFNgR1 receptor is defined by CTCF-mediated

                intrachromosomal interactions with the IFNg gene locus.

Budget:    €2500

Duration: Not accepted

Role:        Principal Investigator

Agency:    European Union

Program:  Capacities-FP7-REGPOT-2008-1

Title:        ProFI-Proteomics Facility @ IMBB

Budget:    €1.000.000

Duration: 2009-2012

Role:        Partner

Agency:    European Union

Program:  Marie Curie International Re-integration Grant (IRG)

Title:        InterPro

Budget:    €100.000

Duration: 2009-2013

Role:        Principal Investigator

Agency:    Cancer Research Institute ( USA )

Program:  Investigator Award

Title:        Biochemical isolation and characterization of the protein complexes

                that regulate interchromosomal interactions

Budget:    $200.000

Duration: 2008-2012

Role:        Principal Investigator